Signed books update! Copies in: CT, NH, MA, VT

I’ve been at it again! Signing books all over New England. You can find them here:

Sarina signing in Danbury CT

Photo by Cheri of Kindle Crack

BURLINGTON VT: At Phoenix books on Church St, there’s a signed copy of The Five Year Lie in “fiction.”

DANBURY CT: @bndanburyct find Good Boy, Stay, The Five Year Lie. Quantity: lots and lots!

HOLYOKE MA: @bnholyoke...a couple each of Him, Good Boy & Stay in Romance upstairs, 1 copy of The Five Year Lie in Suspense upstairs .

HANOVERNH: @stillnorthbooks find The Five Year Lie in Mystery/suspense and Good Boy in romance (under Kennedy)

CONCORD NH: @gibsonsbookstorenh... a stack of The Five Year Lie and **Gibsons will ship** give the store a 📞 to verify that there are still signed copies in stock.

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